Mobile Phone Use in Schools: A Useful Tool or Detrimental Distraction?

Mobile Phone Use in Schools: A Useful Tool or Detrimental Distraction?

The use of mobile phones in schools has been the center of heated debate in recent years. Some advocate the use of mobile phones to aid the learning process, while others plea for them to be banned from the classroom. It seems that the views remain divided across the world. Most recently, the French government [...]

Post With Care

Post With Care

If you’re anything like the majority of proud and adoring parents out there, you’re filling up your Instagram and Facebook feeds with pictures of your children. What better way to show your family and friends just how adorable and clever your kids really are? Well, even though these platforms might seem like a safe space [...]

Mental Health Awareness Month | Can Social Media Impact Mental Health?

Mental Health Awareness Month | Can Social Media Impact Mental Health?

In the light of Mental Health Awareness month, we’ve decided to take a look into the effects of social media on mental health. Recently, social media has been in the the hot seat with articles and studies claiming that the use of social media is directly linked to an increase in anxiety, depression, and mental [...]

The Realities of Virtual Reality | What Parents Should Know

As virtual reality games and devices slowly start making their way onto South African shores, more and more parents are wondering what role this new technology should play in their children’s lives. If you haven’t had the chance to try it, virtual reality describes a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment, which can be explored and interacted with. [...]

Digital Curfews | What are they & do your kids need one?

Digital Curfews | What are they & do your kids need one?

Have you recently fallen victim to a late-night scrolling spiral? You know, when you decide to take a peek at Facebook before bed, and suddenly it’s way past your curfew and you’re 3 years into your best friend’s ex-boyfriend’s feed. (Cute dogs, Steve!) Yup, you know exactly what I’m talking about! And if you’re anything [...]

Top Tech Skills your 21st Century Children Need to Know

Top Tech Skills your 21st Century Children Need to Know

At ParentsCorner we’re often asked “How much technology is too much?” There is no quick answer to this. With technology being so essential to our everyday lives, workplaces and communications, it goes without saying that children need to learn the relevant skills to traverse the tech space. The tricky part comes in when deciding what [...]